PSP60922 Advanced Diploma of Interpreting (NAATI Endorsed)

Description of the Qualification

This qualification covers the competencies required for independent and self-directed work as an interpreting practitioner. It reflects the skills and knowledge required to interpret from a source language to a target language in complex dialogue and monologue settings where the physical elements of the setting or the number of parties involved can challenge the capacity of the interpreter to manage the discourse. The interpreter will require advanced skills in retention and recall and may be required to switch modes. The Advanced Diploma of Interpreting prepares interpreters for work in all community, business, and diplomatic domains, interpreting content that may not easily be predicted or planned for requiring a high level of subject knowledge, or intense assignment specific preparation.

The community, business, and diplomatic domains will include health and welfare, policing and courts, formal immigration hearings, education, the media, commerce, government, and international relations, professional sectors such as the law, technology, science, assignments involving formality, and participants with high status where the consequences of errors in communicative intent can have significant implications.

Available Intakes

Name Course Start Date Course End Date
(PSP60922) ADI - Full Qualification - SYD - 20 May 2024 20/05/2024 10/11/2024
(PSP60922) ADI - Full Qualification - SYD - 10 Jun 2024 10/06/2024 01/12/2024
(PSP60922) ADI - Full Qualification - SYD - 15 Jul 2024 15/07/2024 05/01/2025
(PSP60922) ADI - Full Qualification - SYD - 12 Aug 2024 12/08/2024 02/02/2025
(PSP60922) ADI - Full Qualification - SYD - 09 Sep 2024 09/09/2024 02/03/2025
(PSP60922) ADI - Full Qualification - SYD - 14 Oct 2024 14/10/2024 06/04/2025
(PSP60922) ADI - Full Qualification - SYD - 11 Nov 2024 11/11/2024 04/05/2025
(PSP60922) ADI - Full Qualification - SYD - 09 Dec 2024 09/12/2024 01/06/2025
(PSP60922) ADI-eLearning - Full Qualification - BNE Weekly Intake
(PSP60922) ADI-eLearning - Full Qualification - SYD Weekly Intake



AQF Level:

Level 6

Course Duration:

25 Weeks, incl. 20 Weeks of Training and 5 Weeks of Breaks

Training Package:

PSP – Public Sector

Code and Title of Qualification:

PSP60922 Advanced Diploma of Interpreting