Description of the Qualification

This qualification covers the competencies required to translate general purpose texts from one language to another, to convey information written in plain language to a limited and known audience in functionally equivalent translated texts appropriate to the context, target audience, and end use.

The Diploma of Translating prepares translators to translate texts that contain limited equivalence problems between source and target text, plain language and concepts accessible to the general public, and limited requirements for research on the subject beyond client resources. Limited and known audiences include the clients of community services, educational institutions, community information services, and businesses, or may relate to government client relationships.

Available Intakes

There are currently no openings available for this course.



AQF Level:

Level 5

Course Duration:

52 weeks (including 40 tuition weeks & 12-week break)

Training Package:

PSP – Public Sector

Code and Title of Qualification:

PSP50822 Diploma of Translating